Sunday, February 5, 2012

Book Review: Plenty

Silviebursts gave me this wonderful book for Christmas and it's not only been a great read, but also a source of inspiration.  I share the same sentiments as Yotam Ottolenghi regarding vegetarianism.  In the introduction he makes a caveat that he is not by any means a strict "vegetarian" or a vegetarian at all.  He is merely a chef who loves all food from a wide variety of cultures and a multitude of ingredients including a plethora of grains, produce, and spices that prove to be anything but dull.  My aim is simply eating healthy and well without cutting out animal products altogether, and focusing on a more balanced and conscientious way of eating that incorporates the vast wealth of ingredients that can be found these days.  The recipes are simple and easy to follow with a sufficient amount of food porn to make a mouth moist with anticipation.  This book was given to me at a perfect time when I was feeling a bit tired of the same cooking techniques and vegetable combinations that I use on a regular basis.  The Stuffed Portobello with Melting Telaggio are a total crowd pleaser and I can't wait to try making the Saffrom Cauliflower!

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